Game Fencing and Enclosures

We Specialize in the following fence types:

  • Game Lodge Fencing

  • Game Farm Fencing

  • Veldspan Fencing
  • Any fencing enclosure can be modified according to client specification.

We are known for fast and efficient fence erection, which will give you long term service! We also value after sales service.


Feel free to contact us any time for friendly Service and Advice !

Get A Consultation & Estimate

We are competitive in our pricing. We are able to work within your budget.

Why Choose US

Excellent Customer Service

We provide excellent customer service and take great pride in delivering high quality customer-oriented solutions.

Quality of Work

We strive to maintain our platinum reputation and can provide on your request many recommendations.

Fair Pricing

We are competitive in our pricing. We are able to work within your budget.
Have a Request?
Our teams are professional , well trained and able.

We take each task and complete it to perfection.